Monday, March 21, 2016

Blog #8

I think that online classes hold the most promise for education in the future. They are already being used today and they will continue to be used more often and more efficiently. Online classes are great for students because it caters to different speeds of learning and it helps people with different styles of learning. Moreover, they are necessary for students that are physically incapable of being in a classroom. 

I think I'm on the side of the digital divide that is more technologically advanced. I've always had access to computers and I've taken multiple computer classes. There are bound to be students in my classroom who do not have the access or skills that match the other students. The best way to bridge the gap is to use technology in the classroom that the students can learn from. 

I learned about how to use PowerPoint for educational purposes. I've used it before but I had to make my slide show while keeping in mind that it would be used as a visual aid for my students. I liked that the assignment made me use different aspects of PowerPoint that I wouldn't have thought of adding such as animations and transitions. I think that next time I will try to improve the way I present some of the information. 

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